Project Managers
Our experienced on-site managers and trained in-house teams assure that all installation work is performed with the highest level of professionalism. When a problem is encountered it is handled immediately with courtesy, integrity, and the knowledge that our work impacts your reputation.
At B|E, we understand the complexities of your job: scheduling multiple subcontractors, meeting the demands of building owners and managing your own administrative responsibilities. Whether our involvement in your project started at the design and development phase or is installation-only, our goal is to make your job hassle-free with consistent communication and reliable scheduling.
- On-site problem solving by project managers and installers reduce project slow-downs
- Seamless transitions at critical project points save time
- B|E Retrofit team members are hired for personality fit to work in existing buildings around occupants. We extend every courtesy to building occupants, other trades people and your client
- In-house installation teams offer industry-best accountability and execution. The weatherization and mechanical insulation ECMs will be completed as designed
- OSHA certifications, background checks, and medical evaluations are required to gain and retain employment
You can count on the team of professional installers to operate at peak efficiency, provide you with clear, consistent documentation and bring your project in on time and hassle-free. Peace of mind for Project Managers is a phone call away. Call or email us today.
They are focused, thorough, and easy to work with. They understand how our business works.
—Program Manager